Aviv FAQs:

Q:  What is Aviv used for?

A:  Aviv is for topically affected areas.  See your veterinarian as well as the labeling below.


Q:  How do I apply Aviv Powder or Gel?

A:  For Aviv Powder:  Apply ~1/8 inch (about one-eighth inch) depth coating over all affected surface area(s) and slightly beyond the edges of the affected area(s) as needed.  Follow the "Directions" on the labeling of Aviv Powder bottles - "Apply liberal amount topically to wet or moist affected area(s) as needed until resolved.  Cover affected area(s) if needed.  May be combined with Aviv Ultra Gel for optimal consistency.  To create a solution, add sterile water to bottle to obtain desired consistency.  Do not rub in or ingest.  Avoid contact with eyes.  Store unopened at room temperature.  Discard any unused portion.  Use only as directed."

High viscosity (dry) area(s) → Aviv Gel

Low viscosity (wet) area(s) → Aviv Powder

A:  For Aviv Gel:  Apply ~1/8 inch (about one-eighth inch) depth coating over all affected surface area(s) and slightly beyond the edges of the affected area(s) as needed.  Follow the "Directions" on the labeling of Aviv Powder bottles - "Apply liberal amount topically to dry or moderately dry affected area(s) as needed until resolved.  Cover affected area(s) if needed.  May be combined with Aviv Ultra Powder for optimal consistency.  To create a solution, add sterile water to bottle to obtain desired consistency.  Do not rub in or ingest.  Avoid contact with eyes.  Store unopened at room temperature.  Discard any unused portion.  Use only as directed."

High viscosity (dry) area(s) → Aviv Gel

Low viscosity (wet) area(s) → Aviv Powder


Q:  What if my animal licks and swallows Aviv, even a whole container?

A:  Other than issues related to swallowing the container itself, if that is the case, there should not be any problem if Aviv is ingested.  The labeling says "Do not ingest" because the product is not for internal application.  There have been no issues / symptoms to date with ingestion of Aviv.  Nothing needs to be done unless the animal is experiencing symptoms of distress that may not be related to Aviv ingestion.  As with any condition, if symptoms warrant, see a veterinarian immediately.


Q:  Is Aviv approved by the FDA?

A:  Aviv meets all FDA requirements / approval regulations to be on the market.


Q:  What is in Aviv?

 A:  This is proprietary information.


Q:  What is the shelf life of Aviv?

A:  Currently, there is no required expiration date, only a manufacture date, for unopened containers of Aviv. Shelf life of opened containers is not an issue if the "Directions" section printed on the label of the bottle or tube are followed:  "Discard any unused portion."  Please follow these directions and use only as directed.